Complete the form either by hand or electronically. Dates and duration of previous stays in japan your current residential address if you have more than one address, please list them all address tel. Just remember that you need to have your visa renewed before your current visa expires if you even go one day over your visa expiration date, you run the very real risk of losing employment status in japan. Visa extensionjapan tourist visa, tokyo some basic things.
Visa renewal reason for extension so, we have a new girl that works in hr and my visa is up for renewal next month. The application can be issued from 30 days prior to the expiration date. This japan visa blog is intended for japan tourist visa application for filipinos or philippine passport holders. Divorcedformer andor other nationalities or citizenships place of issue date of issue purpose of visit to japan dates and duration of previous stays in japan date of arrival in japan official use only. Jul 22, 2015 a certificate of eligibility is issued before a visa application by a regional immigration authority under the jurisdiction of the ministry of justice as evidence that the foreign national meets the conditions for landing in japan, including the requirements that the activity in which the foreign national wishes to engage in japan at the time. Every year, a number of tourists visit japan on this visa as it can be issued by very simple application, especially for tourists from visa exempted countries.
I539, application to extendchange nonimmigrant status. Click on the following image to download the new harmonised schengen visa application form. A foreign national who departs from japan with a reentry permit and is unable to return to. It is necessary to provide additional documents such as an official birth certificate. Vfs global manages visa application centres for japan visa in sri lanka where you can submit your completed visa applications.
Long lines at japanese immigration, confusion about the japan visa renewal process, fees for japanese visa extension, and a lack of materials in the applicants native languages are just some of the obstacles facing those who have to renew a japanese work visa or any other kind of visa in japan. Other japan visa requirements include the following. Philippine embassy tokyo, japan downloadable forms. Application for certificate of eligibility application for change of status of residence application for extension of period of stay. Applicants may use extra sheets, in case of insufficient space in the columns of the visa form. Two 02 passport size photographs should be attached with the visa form. Temporary visitor visa is most commonly used by foreign nationals who visit japan for the purpose of sightseeing.
List of necessary documents immigration bureau of japan website. Now, let me share to you the japan visa requirements and how to apply for a japan tourist visa in the philippines with tips, reminders and steps in application. How to apply for japan tourist visa immigration world. If naturalized, i date ii place of naturalization iii former nationality 6. Issued free form a im 35 regulations 6 department of. Activities for research, research guidance or education at colleges. Address visa application form to enter japan officialuse only pastephoto here 45mmx45mm or.
You must remember the following dos and donts while applying for japan tourist visa. Visa information uber eine visahotline formularedownloads. Up until the applicants resident status expires if the applicant is authorized to stay in japan for 6 month or longer, the immigration office will start accepting hisher application form three months before hisher stay period expires applicant must fill in necessary application forms, make ready attached documents and submit a service. Vfs global manages visa application centres for japan visa in india where you can submit your completed visa applications. Note3 use adobe acrobat reader to fill in and print out the visa application form with qr code pdf. Applications for the extension of all visas should be made to the department of immigration and emigration head office. Learn how to extend your visa if you are from austria, germany, ireland, liechtenstein, mexico, switzerland or the uk. The information on this site is applicable to visa applications made at the u. Apr 11, 2020 once you are in vietnam, you can choose between extending your visa or renewing your visa depending on your travel needs. Japan visa renewal official links and resources wander tokyo. Services of accredited immigration agency available for submitting the application and receiving the result on the applicants behalf. Add 5 years to the printed expiry date shown on your passport and enter it in the expiry date field of the application form. Visa categories and requirements in japan including work, spouse, business manager, highly skilled and permanent visa. English translations must be attached to all documents in a.
If you have any other documents that could work on your favor, you. This section contains basic information on the requirements, timeline and procedures for extending visas in japan. Copy of new visa application form immigration to pakistan. There are also other required documents such as family photos in case of spouse visa or a list of family members, certificate of criminal record in case of 3rd generation nikkei applicants etc. Then, your status of residence will expire by up to 5years unless you hold you have permanent resident or diplomat visa. Visa categories and requirements in japan including work, spouse. Required documents for visa in japan june advisors group. I will guarantee the following items regarding the abovementioned applicants entry into japan. Email current profession or occupation and position name and address of employer name tel. You must take this application on your own to the japan immigration bureau. Learn how to fill correctly the visa application form and what documents you need to apply for a schengen. Immigration bureau of japan website application for extension of period of. Sep 04, 2018 online registration visa extension ltv conversion and other misc.
To download the form you need simply click the appropriate icon. Apply for a tourist visa at least 3 weeks in advance of your planned travel date so that there is enough time for the application procedure to be completed on time. If you go the handwritten route, make sure that you write in block letters and that they are readable. Welcome to the website for japan visa from sri lanka. Visa application form to enter japan name in full pho to approx. Please refer to the direct filing addresses for form i539, application to extendchange nonimmigrant status for information on where to file petitions for ubased nonimmigrants. Download the application for extension of period of stay. Download the form here japan visa application form. Extension of stay the university of tokyo graduate school.
Download printable versions of the application forms here. Spouse or child of japanese national, permanent resident. Activities of highlyskilled professionals who have been transferred to a business office in japan for a limited period of time and who are to engage in services which require knowledge pertinent to the field of natural science or human science. Application for extension of period of stay immigration bureau of.
Your passport must be valid for more than 6 months from the time of extension. Extension of period of stay for recipients of multiple entry visas for nationals of the republic of. This form is for application for an extension of stay. According to the guidelines issued by the immigration bureau, ministry of justice, july, 2012, they will only grant an extension if they believe there is an appropriate reason for it. Student visa extension application information applying for a visa extension you can apply to extend your visa referred to as period of stay on your residence card starting from 90 days prior to its expiration. I understand that immigration status and period of stay to be granted are decided by the japanese immigration authorities upon my arrival. Japan visa application form japan evisa registration. Applicants could be asked to appear for interview if required. Application for extension of period of stay immigration. Note2 depending on the embassy or consulategeneral of japan, only the visa application form with qr code pdf is accepted. How to apply to extend your stay as a visitor in canada. The application for extension of period of stay form 12 for organization is completed by the gsfs student affairs section. Fill out the form for updated of status of residence.
As we have seen, getting a working visa for japan is not an easy task, but what about extending the period of your stay in japan. Immigration bureau of japan website application for extension of period of stayformat. When filling out the papers, there is a part where you have to explain why you want to renew your visa. Download forms visa form 26 kb visa related services form 24 kb pio card. Please prepare for all necessary documents listed on the checklist for your visa application. If the printed expiry date has passed and youre applying for a visitor visa, study permit, work permit or to extend your stay as a temporary resident in canada, follow these steps. Please find the guide below for more information about how to extendrenew your visa in vietnam. Compliance with japanese laws and regulations i hereby declare that the above is true. Extension of the period of validity of the reentry permit to japan. If you wish to keep staying in japan after the expiry date of your visa, you must apply for extension of period of stay before your visa expires. Application for an extension of stay immigration department.
Note when a companyorganization is extending an invitation, fill out the name of the companyorganization as well as your title and affix, and put the registered seal of the representative, or nonregistered seal of the company or the suborgan a personal. Japan visa information in sri lanka visa types temporary. How to extend and renew your vietnam visa extension due to. In order to extend your visa, you have to apply at your citys immigration bureau. Form 22 application form for a visa to be completed in block letters.
Go to your regions regional immigration bureau for the application. Where can i get a business purpose visa renewal application form. Activities of highlyskilled professionals who engage in research,research guidance or education at colleges. The application for the japanese visa renewal can be submitted at the nearest immigration office from 3 months prior to the visa expiration date. Japan visa information in sri lanka visa types temporary visitor visa for tourism visiting relatives or acquaintances with guarantor. Please note, uscis will allow a 30day grace period in which affected petitioners may file form i539 at the previously designated service centers. The visa extension process is a bit timeconsuming and involves a lot of paperwork. All the documents written in foreign languages must be translated into japanese. Do you want to stay for more than 90 days in japan.